Monday, July 20, 2009

Its a joy-filled life when you're in love with Jesus.

My prayer and hope is that I can give my teens opportunities to be servants - true servants without expecting or wanting anything in return. That would be awe-some.

My goal of course is to be in union with our Lord and Savior, I want for nothing more.

Mass was so incredibly intimate today. I said to myself before Mass began that I would go to the Adoration chapel afterwards (I hadn't been at this parish for daily Mass in a while!). But when I opened my eyes after praying to our Lord after Mass, there He was exposed on the Altar! Hurray! I don't even have to move!

And, then, I went to a favorite deli around the corner and was able to see a CORE member I needed to talk to. Thank you Jesus for your divine appointments.

2 more have joined the 9 novena Vocation novena. Sept 8 - Nov 27.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunday, July 19th

What an awe-inspiring faith-filled spirit-filled weekend! The Franciscan Youth Conferences just get better every year. The teens continue to be more open to receiving the Holy Spirit. My teens of course are amazing. And, I am so incredibly blessed to be with them at the parish! I would not have it any other way.

These last two months have been ones of deep prayer. of continual prayer. of sustaining prayer. it has not been easy. there have been a few sleepless nights. a few nights of me crying myself to sleep. but I want it no other way. The only way is thru Jesus. For He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!

I am at peace with my decision involving a long-time friend. I have been at peace for a long while. I trust in God's infinite plan.

I am patiently waiting. Our novena begins Sept 8th on the Our Lady's birthday! and continues for nine novenas until November 27th. So far, its me, SS, MG, JS, and L.S. I hope that I am not forgetting anyone. The guys I invited to be a part of this still have not responded. Our Lord will provide our other 4 pray-ers. We will storm heaven together united in Christ's love.
God is sooooo good and faithful and merciful and rich in kindness and grace.

Praise be to the Lord Almighty, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. Jesus is the Lion of Judah. We shall want for nothing more!

Jesus pointed out numerous times this weekend that I really do love intercessory prayer. I kind of threw it out the window last July. His LOVE, His Spirit now consumes my soul. I surrender unto Him ALL of me. My hands, my feet, my lips, my toes, my mouth, my nose. For everything has been such a great gift! Jesus!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Keep Em Coming

Alright, now I've had some time to think and dwell on my last post.

Send me your novenas to St Ann, St Raphael, St Joseph, St Rita and St Jude for finding a spouse. I'm going to need a league of angels and saints and Jesus' mom pleading my case before Jesus!

Come on, folks, lets get this started.

I have emails to send.


Novena to Bl Anna Marie Taigi

O Blessed Anna Marie Taigi, by that humble submission with which you believed in and adored the august mystery of the One True God in Three Persons, obtain for me from the Most Holy Trinity the favor which I confidently implore…(fill in your petition.**)

Glory be the Father… (three times)

O Blessed Anna Marie Taigi, by the great love and tender pity with which you honored the mysteries in the life of Jesus, obtain for me from Him the favor which I earnestly implore... (fill in your petition.)

Glory be the Father… (three times)

O Blessed Anna Marie Taigi, through your filial devotion to the Blessed Virgin, obtain for me from Her the favor which I humbly implore… (fill in your petition.)

Glory be the Father… (three times)

Jesus is my Somebody to Love. for now.

Argh! I am trusting. I. will. trust. in. da. Lord. I will. I promise.

Goodness, when you're on track. Doing great. Trusting. Praying.

Yet, waiting. Just waiting. Being patient is SSSOOO hard.

I know I am not the only single Catholic woman that wonders why God has not placed in her path her husband. I pray He makes it abundantly clear when it happens.

These thoughts become more prevalent around holidays. And, when you want to paint the town red, but all your girlfriends are married and have kids!

Its just so aggravating. And, then you sign up on those blasted single sites, and no one is positive about your profile. I really feel like dropping out. But, I must be patient. With God all things are possible.

Jesus is my somebody to LOVE. I am content in this. I am. I mean it. Can't you hear it in my voice?

also, a prayer intention. It seems that the Director of Faith Formation and Discipleship for our Archdiocese (of Atlanta) has decided to eliminate the Office of Youth Ministry. He has eliminated the position. Our current director of YM has been terminated. And, it looks like all the programs that we have built for our teens are about to go down the tubes. I really wonder if he'd just like us YM's to do our own thing at our own parish and not have anything to do with the diocese. But, doesn't he know that our teens need to see other teens living out their faith. You learn by example. That's how you grow! Argh. So, please pray for us.