Tuesday, August 26, 2008

tonight...ok earlier this evening...

let's start off and say I have had extremely productive days at work. I love my ministry position. there are a few things that I have not started, but I am not worried...I still have a few weeks before its crunch time on those projects...

tonight was our first Confirmation class for YEAR ONE...that concept is difficult to explain...the parish switched to 2 years of actual sacramental prep for Confirmation...meaning the teens attend 10 Confirmation classes their FIRST year and 10 Life Nights...and 15 service hours....AND then 8-9 YEAR TWO Confirmation classes and 10 Life NIghts and 15 service hours...

you would think that would not be that difficult to understand...but we are just in our 2nd year of this 2 year sacramental prep....so we have parents coming up and calling to say they have a 10th grader who is going to be confirmed this year...BUT was not in Confirmation class last year...AND who they want to be Confirmed this year...

so, because this is my first year at the parish, I am giving TWO choices to these 10th graders: go to ALL 1st and 2nd year sacramental prep classes and do your service hours and attend 10 Life Nights, and you can be confirmed in March...but starting next year, they won't have that option, they'll be in FIRST YEAR sacramental prep their 10th grade year and receive the sacrament as a junior...sorry, ya'll just need to get with the program...

its no longer 9th grade class and 10th grade class...its YEAR ONE and YEAR TWO...I think we need new names so as not to be confusing...I'll work on that for next year...

ok, on to what happened earlier tonight.

after class, I went to Starbucks with a few teens and a parent. Driving on my way home (a few miles away), I get a phonecall from AB who says they have left their wallet in the youth room...

so I gently laugh, cuz its funny, and don't tell me you have never left your wallet somewhere...I then turn around and head back to the parish...its now close to 11pm...after a few phone calls about alarm systems, I unlock the front door and retrieve said wallet...

then off to drop AS off so that AB doesn't get in even more trouble...

and I phone a friend to help keep me awake who also tells me the most direct route home...

Movies this week: 27 Dresses and Enchanted.

oh, and I had a great birthday...I am now the proud owner of a rubber chicken. I have missed it since my NET days...

oh, yeah, please pray for Fr. Joseph who is in the hospital battling an infection; he has leukemia.

1 comment:

Candice said...

Hey, Deepa. I've been looking for you on the Dominican Nuns' blog and was worried about you (even though we don't know each other!). I'm happy for you that you have tried out the religious life, even if you did find it not to be your calling, and that you are happy again in your "new" life. I did the same when I was in my 20's. Some of us serve the Lord in other ways, so I wish you all of God's blessings! And thanks for allowing all of us be a part of your life.
