Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Overflow in me, My Lord

Overflow in me, My Lord

My heart is full.  I am almost entirely detached.  I have given up 90% of what I own.  For Him!

And, He keeps surprising me.  Today, I received a $1,000 donation in the mail.  A $1,000!!!!
Our Sweet Lord cannot be outdone in generosity.  All I have to offer is myself.  I open up my hands to receive His mercy and His love.  He Loves Us So Completely.  And, we are so unworthy of this LOVE.  And, yet, He shows us more!

I sit here grateful.  Grateful for the time to share with others Him!  Grateful for friends.  Grateful for family.  Grateful for hard times.  Grateful for persecution.  Grateful for strangers kindness.  Grateful for faith.  Grateful for hope.

May we all one day meet together in heaven and rejoice in all He's done for each one of us.

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