How much do I trust Him?
It's a simple thing, but also so complex.
For me, I just look in the past and see how He's provided again and again. And again.
And, always over and above what I asked for.
I ask and He responds.
Jesus is my one and only Constant.
As I welcome this new year, 2012, I reflect on all that has happened to me in 2011. All of the blessings, and yes, even the trials that have all led me closer to Him. Closer and stronger in my relationship with my Beloved.
And, I sigh. I ponder. I reflect. I keep all these things in my heart.
Mary's obedience to fulfilling God's will in her life is a characteristic I desire.
I pray that my will is united to God's.
That the people and things I pray for are united in God's will.
May God continue to bless us and keep us.
- Song of Songs 3:2-4 - I will rise then and go about the city; in the streets and crossings I will seek Him whom my heart loves. I sought him but I did not find him. The watchmen came upon me as they made their rounds of the city: Have you seen him whom my heart loves? I had hardly left them when I found him whom my heart loves.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
I had to adjust my grapevine thermometer a bit b/c of setbacks that include dental work and car repairs. So, that's that.
But, I'm happy to say, we're $9000 in. yay
Weight loss and muscle gain.
Still doing great, even with the holidays.
I am on my way to a new me. It's crazy to think that by the time I enter (God-willing), I'll look a lot like I did when I was in college. That kind of throws me for a loop thinking about it.
But healthy I will be.
With God all Things Are Possible!
But, I'm happy to say, we're $9000 in. yay
Weight loss and muscle gain.
Still doing great, even with the holidays.
I am on my way to a new me. It's crazy to think that by the time I enter (God-willing), I'll look a lot like I did when I was in college. That kind of throws me for a loop thinking about it.
But healthy I will be.
With God all Things Are Possible!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
King Cake recipe
Here is my King Cake recipe
1 cup milk, room temperature
1/2 teaspoon active dry yeast
1/2 cup butter, softened
1/3 cup white sugar
1 Tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 eggs
4-5 cups flour
Sunday, December 18, 2011
O Antiphons and Santas
When will I learn to stay away from people dressed up as Santa???
Tonight was our annual Life Teen Christmas party. This year I put the mini's in charge of planning. They turned it into a real Life Night, not just a dance.
I was a little concerned that they got rid of all the table and chairs. But, it worked.
In the past 3 years, we've had about 70% of the teens just sit at the tables and not really participate. But, this year, they all pretty much participated except maybe a handful.
The teens planned a Battle of the Santas with a cookie eating contest, obstacle course and wrapping presents relay.
Then, our annual Snowball Fight inside.
Followed by Christmas Stations - Pictures with Santa (See photo above), Making Ornaments, Face Painting, and Dancing.
To close up the night, they brought the Santas back out and were about to award a Santa 'winner' when Jesus appeared and told them about the true meaning of Christmas, and we had birthday cake(s).
O Antiphons and the Eucharist and the Holy Spirit uniting me with the Trinity are what I'm excited about.
That, and sewing numbers on my clothing and handkerchiefs and socks.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Shellac and Skittles
I don't think I ever have anything profound to say, and that's what keeps me from posting most of the time.
But, I'm real.
What's been going on with me?
In late October, I decided to make a life change. Today, I'm living better. I eat better. A LOT better. Before it would take me, max, 20 minutes in the grocery store. Now, it takes about 2 hours. Why? B/c I read labels on EVERYTHING.
Just yesterday, I had a conversation about pre-packaged spinach. I was asking a friend about how much loose spinach cost. She asked me what kind I eat. I told her the bagged kind, and that it doesn't wilt at all. I finish off a bag in about 6-7 days. She was like, "Deepa, why doesn't it wilt even a little bit?" I thought for a moment, and then responded, "Chemicals?"
Then, that got us talking again about shellac and skittles.
Anything with hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated anything, I will NOT eat. Yeck!
Since late October, I exercise 5-6 times a week. Daily, its breakfast smoothies made with peanut butter, spinach, frozen berries, almond milk, and oatmeal; sometimes a little greek yogurt. SOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!
Vitamin supplement regimen everyday includes: Vitamin C, D3 & B12, Spirulina, Garlic, Calcium, Magnesium, Flaxseed, Selenium, and Pro-biotics.
This gets me off to a running a marathon start.
And, so far, about 15 pounds lost! :) I bought new jeans on Black Friday b/c mine were about thread-bare, and now they're on the verge of being too loose to wear. Guess, I'll have to break out the belts.
My friends and my teens help me stay on track. Sending me txt messages to not eat cookies, which are one of my four food weaknesses. The other three - fried chicken, which I have eaten in over a month and half; ice cream, and chips.
Pray for me please. I need endurance to make this a lasting lifestyle change.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Thrones and Adoration
In Confirmation class every year, we take two field trips to the church. The 1st class is on the Liturgy of the Word and the 2nd, yes, Liturgy of the Eucharist.
In the weeks between the two classes, my curiosity is piqued. And, I become even more observant of my teens, and the way that they pray.
And, sometimes, well, regularly. Okay, sometimes, during communion, during my thanksgiving time, I'll pray for those around me, or those in the congregation. And, today was one of those days.
It all started with the Eucharistic Prayer. I was listening to the beautiful words, and they simply are so poetic, the way it flows. In a similar way, when supper was ended, he took the chalice...
And, I began to meditate...And then the Great Amen. And, that's when things really began to happen.
I noticed in a more specific way about how teens (and other adults) were lifting their hands in adoration of the Eucharist.
Why would they only raise their hands in adoration during this one particular place in Mass? Why not surrender themselves throughout the Mass? Why only then?
And, then I started pondering about what the teens deemed the most important 'part' of Mass? And, that made think about receiving the Eucharist.
On Saturday, myself and four of the teens were trained to Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. And the Eucharist kept being referred to as the bread and wine. Oh, that was really getting my goat! And, of course I said something, how could I not?
So, back to tonight's Mass.
Before I received Jesus, I was watching how people received Him. And, I've seen this a thousand times; and I've spoken about it at least as many.
I kept praying for Truth and Light and for conversion of heart.
People in the congregation, my teens included, were receiving Jesus as if He were a cracker or a sample you get at Costco. And, He was not received on a throne, but 'just' in their hand.
And, it wasn't just that. Because receiving on a throne can be taught. It was after. Picking Him up like picking up a potato chip. Looking around at others or what was happening around them instead of focusing on Him. I cried because I love Him so much, and I know I do the same thing.
Going through motions. Walking into the sanctuary as if I own the place. All eyes on me. Thinking about the Life Night, and what still needs to be done rather than focusing all of my being on Him and participating fully at Mass. Thinking more about remembering to say "And with your spirit" instead of praying "And with your spirit".
I made a resolution then and there to not just point out at Liturgy part two that if we receive in our hands, we need to make a throne, but also speak about when we place Him in our mouth, how we need to adore Him from our hands into our very beings. And, to continue to pray for the conversion of each of our hearts.
My life is completely in His hands. I pray for Light and Truth for myself. I pray that I am in His will. And, that my idiosyncracies will only lead me closer to Him.
My life is completely in His hands. I pray for Light and Truth for myself. I pray that I am in His will. And, that my idiosyncracies will only lead me closer to Him.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Little Church
If you want your dream to be,
Build it slow and surely
Small beginnings, greater ends
Hearfelt work grows purely
If you want to live life free
Take your time go slowly
Do few things but do them well
Heartfelt work grows purely
Day by day, stone by stone
Build your secret slowly
Day by day, you'll grow too
You'll know heaven's glory
If you want to live like Him
Take your time go slowly
Do few things but do them well
Simple joys are holy
Copywrite 1973,1974 by Famous Music Corporation, 1 Gulf & Western Plaza, New York, NY 10023. Used with permission.
Sent from my iPhoneBuild it slow and surely
Small beginnings, greater ends
Hearfelt work grows purely
If you want to live life free
Take your time go slowly
Do few things but do them well
Heartfelt work grows purely
Day by day, stone by stone
Build your secret slowly
Day by day, you'll grow too
You'll know heaven's glory
If you want to live like Him
Take your time go slowly
Do few things but do them well
Simple joys are holy
Copywrite 1973,1974 by Famous Music Corporation, 1 Gulf & Western Plaza, New York, NY 10023. Used with permission.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Christmas Novena ~ St. Andrew thru Christmas
Christmas Novena
Hail and blessed be the hour and moment in which the Son of God was born of the most pure Virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in piercing cold. In that hour, vouchsafe, O my God! to hear my prayer and grant my desires, through the merits of Our Saviour Jesus Christ, and of His Blessed Mother. Amen.
(It is piously believed that whoever recites the above prayer fifteen times a day from the feast of St. Andrew (Nov 30th) until Christmas will obtain what is asked.)
+MICHAEL AUGUSTINE, Archbishop of New York
New York, February 6, 1897
Hail and blessed be the hour and moment in which the Son of God was born of the most pure Virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in piercing cold. In that hour, vouchsafe, O my God! to hear my prayer and grant my desires, through the merits of Our Saviour Jesus Christ, and of His Blessed Mother. Amen.
(It is piously believed that whoever recites the above prayer fifteen times a day from the feast of St. Andrew (Nov 30th) until Christmas will obtain what is asked.)
+MICHAEL AUGUSTINE, Archbishop of New York
New York, February 6, 1897
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Fr. Chris and XLT
Amazing Life Night!
The week after a retreat, we usually do something low-key such as a movie or game night, so as to give our CORE a break. But, because the Girls retreat and Guys retreat weekend fell this year in November, we couldn't because it would mean three straight weeks of social nights.
So, I decided to do an XLT Life Night. It still meant the CORE didn't have to plan, but I needed to find a speaker.
So, I contacted my newly ordained friend, Fr. Chris Ortega. He said yes. He got faculties to come to the diocese, as he's a priest in the Savannah diocese, and I'm in the Atlanta Archdiocese.
The week after a retreat, we usually do something low-key such as a movie or game night, so as to give our CORE a break. But, because the Girls retreat and Guys retreat weekend fell this year in November, we couldn't because it would mean three straight weeks of social nights.
So, I decided to do an XLT Life Night. It still meant the CORE didn't have to plan, but I needed to find a speaker.
So, I contacted my newly ordained friend, Fr. Chris Ortega. He said yes. He got faculties to come to the diocese, as he's a priest in the Savannah diocese, and I'm in the Atlanta Archdiocese.
Fr. Chris was actually able to say Mass for Life Teen at our parish. And, I was able to cross "hear Fr Chris say Mass" off my bucket list!
The parish and the teens loved him! Score!
It's just so amazing to have an honest, authentic, dynamic, and holy priest who's young to boot be around teenagers who love God or want to get to know Him!
Thank You, Jesus, for allowing this opportunity to happen! I am so very grateful!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Update on Tim and Fund
There has been a fund set up for Tim to help him deal with his expenses and to keep him afloat post hospitalization period. He's a hard worker, has had a job since high school. Currently co-owns a garage door business - Four Seasons. His medical bills will be astounding.
Tim has never been smoked, has never used drugs and doesn't drink. He has a full-time job, and on top of that works for nothing as a full-time Youth Minister. Their budget comes out of his pocket. He simply is a genuine and authentic man of God.
There is a fund set up for Tim at the Wells Fargo Bank. The account is listed as "Timothy B Davis Medical Fund". Anyone can make out a check to the name of the fund and take it or mail it to any Wells Fargo Bank Branch for it to be deposited to this account. The account will be managed by Tim's family to insure his current and future expenses can be met.
Everyone who has been touched by Tim over the years knows that he is a person that would give you the shirt off of his back. He is the type of Catholic-Christian we all should emulate. I know times are challenging for most of us at this time but I would ask 3 things of you:
1) Continue your prayers for Tim and his family, Tim still remains in the ICU.
2.) Consider donating to help him through this time of medical and financial need. It will be a long process before Tim can get back to work. So whether it is $1 or $1,000 any amount is appreciated.
3.) Spread the word. Pass this on to family, friends, organizations, include it on your Facebook pages, twitter accounts or anywhere that you feel will help us raise funds for Tim.
If you are located in an area that does not have a Wells Fargo branch nearby here is the address of the branch where the donation can be mailed.
Timothy B Davis Medical Fund
c/o Wells Fargo Bank
6725 Hwy 92
Woodstock, GA 30189
Thank You so much for your continued prayers for my friend, Tim.
Tim has never been smoked, has never used drugs and doesn't drink. He has a full-time job, and on top of that works for nothing as a full-time Youth Minister. Their budget comes out of his pocket. He simply is a genuine and authentic man of God.
There is a fund set up for Tim at the Wells Fargo Bank. The account is listed as "Timothy B Davis Medical Fund". Anyone can make out a check to the name of the fund and take it or mail it to any Wells Fargo Bank Branch for it to be deposited to this account. The account will be managed by Tim's family to insure his current and future expenses can be met.
Everyone who has been touched by Tim over the years knows that he is a person that would give you the shirt off of his back. He is the type of Catholic-Christian we all should emulate. I know times are challenging for most of us at this time but I would ask 3 things of you:
1) Continue your prayers for Tim and his family, Tim still remains in the ICU.
2.) Consider donating to help him through this time of medical and financial need. It will be a long process before Tim can get back to work. So whether it is $1 or $1,000 any amount is appreciated.
3.) Spread the word. Pass this on to family, friends, organizations, include it on your Facebook pages, twitter accounts or anywhere that you feel will help us raise funds for Tim.
If you are located in an area that does not have a Wells Fargo branch nearby here is the address of the branch where the donation can be mailed.
Timothy B Davis Medical Fund
c/o Wells Fargo Bank
6725 Hwy 92
Woodstock, GA 30189
Thank You so much for your continued prayers for my friend, Tim.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Pray for those without power in the northeast.
Please keep in your thoughts and prayers all those without power in the northeast.
Especially the sisters in Summit. I believe they have gas stoves, so they can still cook.
But, I am sure it is cold.
Especially the sisters in Summit. I believe they have gas stoves, so they can still cook.
But, I am sure it is cold.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Prayers and Thank You's
I am at peace knowing that God has me where He wants me. At least for the time being. :)
There is such a peace overflowing in my heart. I've sold most of everything I own. Just a few more items. And, the rest - summer clothes, shoes, and other assorted kitchen items - is being taken to SVDP.
It's such a release to be material free. To live the simple life. Really.
I still have my books. I am Dominican, ya'll. But if someone needed food, I'd sell them. :)
Knowing I'm within a $5,000 end to my debt makes me even more at peace.
God and many benefactors helped me pay off $7,000 of my personal debt! That is simply amazing. And, in less than 3 months, at that.
He does Mighty Things in our lives. Sometimes we have to open our eyes to see!
I know that if He wants me at Summit sooner than the end of April, He'll make it happen.
I mailed my St Joseph grant application today. I pray for that decision as well.
There is still a special intention for November 21st that is near the top of my prayer list.
Tim is at the top. Please continue to pray for my dear friend. For God's will in his illness and his condition in ICU. He would want God's will to be done, not his own.
Thank you for praying for me and for Tim. I hold each and every one of you in my heart and pray for your intentions.
My teens are going on retreat again, Nov 4-6, for the Guys retreat and Girls retreat. This is the last retreat that I will help lead. If I'm around in March, there is a Spring Retreat, but the NET team leads that; I'll be in the kitchen. :)
So, I'm psyching myself up for that weekend. I've loved every day that God has blessed me to grow in faith with them. It really has been a beautiful journey. :)
Please keep our teens in your prayers.
There is such a peace overflowing in my heart. I've sold most of everything I own. Just a few more items. And, the rest - summer clothes, shoes, and other assorted kitchen items - is being taken to SVDP.
It's such a release to be material free. To live the simple life. Really.
I still have my books. I am Dominican, ya'll. But if someone needed food, I'd sell them. :)
Knowing I'm within a $5,000 end to my debt makes me even more at peace.
God and many benefactors helped me pay off $7,000 of my personal debt! That is simply amazing. And, in less than 3 months, at that.
He does Mighty Things in our lives. Sometimes we have to open our eyes to see!
I know that if He wants me at Summit sooner than the end of April, He'll make it happen.
I mailed my St Joseph grant application today. I pray for that decision as well.
There is still a special intention for November 21st that is near the top of my prayer list.
Tim is at the top. Please continue to pray for my dear friend. For God's will in his illness and his condition in ICU. He would want God's will to be done, not his own.
Thank you for praying for me and for Tim. I hold each and every one of you in my heart and pray for your intentions.
My teens are going on retreat again, Nov 4-6, for the Guys retreat and Girls retreat. This is the last retreat that I will help lead. If I'm around in March, there is a Spring Retreat, but the NET team leads that; I'll be in the kitchen. :)
So, I'm psyching myself up for that weekend. I've loved every day that God has blessed me to grow in faith with them. It really has been a beautiful journey. :)
Please keep our teens in your prayers.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Please continue
Please continue to pray for my friend Tim. The road to recovery is long. This is a marathon, not a sprint.
I will not stop praying and offering sacrifices.
I will not stop praying and offering sacrifices.
Tim is on breathing machine,
Tim is on breathing machine, & he is septic. CT shows a perforation, so emergency surgery now. Plz pray for him at Mass.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Taken a turn for the
Taken a turn for the worse. Intubated. Doctors working on him. Take out rosaries and pray.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
We need to Rise Up!
When I was on CORE at St Catherine's, we brought a bunch of teens to Steubenville Summer Conference in Atlanta. I confess that I've been to every Steubenville Atlanta Conference unless I was in college or in a monastery.
But, anyway, we were at the conference, and a deacon we know had brought two teen guys with him. The deacon had to assist in the conference and wasn't able to chaperone the guys he brought. So, we brought them into our little 'flock'.
These two guys, who we'll call Adam and Bryan (not their real names), were dealing with some heavy burdens in their lives, issues they seriously thought God couldn't handle. These burdens - sufferings - were weighing them down. I prayed and asked God all day Saturday to give me their suffering so they could freely and completely worship and praise Him that night in Adoration.
God answered my prayer, and I was given their suffering.
Since that time, I have asked numerous times for other people's suffering so they can heal faster. And, God has granted my request.
I've been privileged to hear my teens say that they too have asked and received.
And, now, tonight, together with LF, we were talking about asking for suffering.
The day I found out about Tim, I should say the hour, I prayed and asked God to give me a little of Tim's suffering and pain, so that he can be healed faster.
And, what if, we all asked for a little bit of Tim's pain, would that provide the miracle he needs?
Think about it, and pray about it. I pray you do.
This road to recovery might be a long one, but it's a road to recovery! And, we might have to carry his burden for a long while. But, I am sure, we can all think about how Jesus has carried us through tough times and storms.
But, anyway, we were at the conference, and a deacon we know had brought two teen guys with him. The deacon had to assist in the conference and wasn't able to chaperone the guys he brought. So, we brought them into our little 'flock'.
These two guys, who we'll call Adam and Bryan (not their real names), were dealing with some heavy burdens in their lives, issues they seriously thought God couldn't handle. These burdens - sufferings - were weighing them down. I prayed and asked God all day Saturday to give me their suffering so they could freely and completely worship and praise Him that night in Adoration.
God answered my prayer, and I was given their suffering.
Since that time, I have asked numerous times for other people's suffering so they can heal faster. And, God has granted my request.
I've been privileged to hear my teens say that they too have asked and received.
And, now, tonight, together with LF, we were talking about asking for suffering.
The day I found out about Tim, I should say the hour, I prayed and asked God to give me a little of Tim's suffering and pain, so that he can be healed faster.
And, what if, we all asked for a little bit of Tim's pain, would that provide the miracle he needs?
Think about it, and pray about it. I pray you do.
This road to recovery might be a long one, but it's a road to recovery! And, we might have to carry his burden for a long while. But, I am sure, we can all think about how Jesus has carried us through tough times and storms.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Rosary and/or Divine Mercy chaplet
I really believe that we need to be up on the mountain like Moses imploring God the Father for a miracle while Tim is down on the battlefield. Could you pray a Rosary and/or Divine Mercy chaplet daily for Tim's healing and for the doctors and nurses to figure out how to stabilize him. And to pray until he is home and working again with his teens! :)
Praise God! Tim is off
Praise God! Tim is off the breathing machine. However, still in serious condition in icu. #keeppraying
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
PRAY for Tim
Tonight I went to visit Tim again in the hospital. in ICU. I read on his CaringBridge that he was intubated. But, it really did not prepare me for what I saw.
He is in need of our prayers and our sacrifices. This is totally out of our control. We need a miracle.
His colitis and liver issues are completely separate to each other. Without him having colitis, he would have never known he had a blood clot on his liver!
But, because of his colitis, his liver issues are hard to resolve. They have tried to put him on blood thinners (to remove clots to his liver and other organs) but the colitis is making him bleed. See, we need a miracle.
I want you to PRAY. And, pray constantly - offering up little sacrifices for him throughout the day. And, PRAY for a miracle through JPII's intercession, asking our Blessed Mother for help, sending your guardian angel to help, etc. Just PRAY.
May God's Most Holy Will be done.
And, if you feel comfortable, get other people to pray for him and/or with you.
He is in need of our prayers and our sacrifices. This is totally out of our control. We need a miracle.
His colitis and liver issues are completely separate to each other. Without him having colitis, he would have never known he had a blood clot on his liver!
But, because of his colitis, his liver issues are hard to resolve. They have tried to put him on blood thinners (to remove clots to his liver and other organs) but the colitis is making him bleed. See, we need a miracle.
I want you to PRAY. And, pray constantly - offering up little sacrifices for him throughout the day. And, PRAY for a miracle through JPII's intercession, asking our Blessed Mother for help, sending your guardian angel to help, etc. Just PRAY.
May God's Most Holy Will be done.
And, if you feel comfortable, get other people to pray for him and/or with you.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
Last Wednesday night I received an email that a dear friend (friends for 18 years), Tim Davis, was in the hospital in ICU.
I about freaked out, and couldn't sleep all night.
On Thursday, I went to see him with LF. He was in good spirits, having just come out of surgery where they placed a TIPS liver shunt.
Please keep him in your prayers. He is 33 and in tip top shape. He eats all the right foods, has never drank alcohol or experimented with drugs, exercises every day, and loves Jesus with all his heart.
He's also a fellow youth minister at a neighboring parish.
Tim is suffering from inflammatory bowel disease complicated by blood and liver syndromes.
He's been in the hospital for near two weeks, and of course, it's been a toll on his family as well.
The power of prayer is very apparent in my own life. And, here in Georgia, we have many many people praying for him, and now I believe more people need to pray for him.
He was moved from ICU to a regular room on Sunday. But, tonight, while visiting with friends, he began having sharp abdominal pains and went for an emergency CT scan.
Please gather and pray for this dear friend of mine.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
single most important relationship
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Jesus is AMAZING in His love for us!
My teens in the ministry God has blessed me with inspire me to do more in my faith life.
When they get so excited about sharing why they chose their Confirmation saint or just want to tell other teens about Jesus, it gets me teary-eyed. I ponder on what the early Christians went through, and that gets me excited.
Last night during Confirmation class, we continued our discussion about Acts of the Apostles. Everyweek I take about 10 minutes and bring to life the early Church. For me, its a refresher course, and for most of my teens, its the first time they're really able to live it.
Last night we talked about Peter and John going to the temple to pray and to spread and defend the faith.
Last night was the first time I saw a spark ignite in more than one the teens' eyes. Last night, I hope, they were feeling what I feel when I read Acts of the Apostles - strength and courage!
Jesus is my best friend, and getting to know Him is the single most important relationship in my life.
My teens in the ministry God has blessed me with inspire me to do more in my faith life.
When they get so excited about sharing why they chose their Confirmation saint or just want to tell other teens about Jesus, it gets me teary-eyed. I ponder on what the early Christians went through, and that gets me excited.
Last night during Confirmation class, we continued our discussion about Acts of the Apostles. Everyweek I take about 10 minutes and bring to life the early Church. For me, its a refresher course, and for most of my teens, its the first time they're really able to live it.
Last night we talked about Peter and John going to the temple to pray and to spread and defend the faith.
Last night was the first time I saw a spark ignite in more than one the teens' eyes. Last night, I hope, they were feeling what I feel when I read Acts of the Apostles - strength and courage!
Jesus is my best friend, and getting to know Him is the single most important relationship in my life.
Monday, October 10, 2011
God's enduring mercy.
I am $600 away from paying off another credit card. I am so elated right now.
There is no bounds to God's enduring mercy.
Keep praying for my Nov 21st special intention.
If it's His will, it will happen.
There is no bounds to God's enduring mercy.
Keep praying for my Nov 21st special intention.
If it's His will, it will happen.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Hair disaster
So, a little story or view into my life:
My teens were asked to bring at least 500 baby items to our Oh Baby Life Night to benefit Cobb Pregnancy Center in Kennesaw. And, if they brought more than 500, I said I would dye part of my hair green.
Well, they brought 1668 baby items! Yay!
And, last Thursday, LF and I dip-dyed part of my hair green. We bleached it first and then applied the green color. However, the color was semi-permanent and washed out in 3 days. boo!
So, I decided to bleach my hair again to a lighter blonde to maybe get the color to stick longer.
Last night, LF and I proceeded with the process. With a new bleach kit - Radical Bleach Kit.
20 minutes into the process:
I'm sitting on the couch with my hair in ziplock bags. And, something, that didn't happen last time is happening. I'm hearing a snap, crackle, pop and my hair is getting warmer. To an expert, that would've been signal to wash out the bleach. But, it hadn't been at least 30 minutes, so we left it in.
An off-hand comment was made, "What if your hair breaks off?"
I was like "Whatever. If it does, it'll just grow back. And, anyway, in a few months, my hair will be under a veil."
We wash out the bleach, and shampoo it. And, LF says it looks funny in the middle of my hair. I'm like let's blow-dry this so we can put the colorant in. And, she's like why don't you just let it sit for a while and finger comb it.
I'm sitting on the couch again and finger combing. And, it's falling out. I go to the bathroom and this is what happens.
I love my teens, I love my teens, I love my teens...
Its just hair. It will grow back. And, the nasty, coarse hair will eventually be cut off.
But, the best part, what a GREAT Story!
** Note: it's just a small section of my hair. I can tuck it behind my ears, and you can hardly see it. Oh, and I did save the hair that fell out for a special project. hehehe
My teens were asked to bring at least 500 baby items to our Oh Baby Life Night to benefit Cobb Pregnancy Center in Kennesaw. And, if they brought more than 500, I said I would dye part of my hair green.
Well, they brought 1668 baby items! Yay!
And, last Thursday, LF and I dip-dyed part of my hair green. We bleached it first and then applied the green color. However, the color was semi-permanent and washed out in 3 days. boo!
So, I decided to bleach my hair again to a lighter blonde to maybe get the color to stick longer.
Last night, LF and I proceeded with the process. With a new bleach kit - Radical Bleach Kit.
20 minutes into the process:
I'm sitting on the couch with my hair in ziplock bags. And, something, that didn't happen last time is happening. I'm hearing a snap, crackle, pop and my hair is getting warmer. To an expert, that would've been signal to wash out the bleach. But, it hadn't been at least 30 minutes, so we left it in.
An off-hand comment was made, "What if your hair breaks off?"
I was like "Whatever. If it does, it'll just grow back. And, anyway, in a few months, my hair will be under a veil."
We wash out the bleach, and shampoo it. And, LF says it looks funny in the middle of my hair. I'm like let's blow-dry this so we can put the colorant in. And, she's like why don't you just let it sit for a while and finger comb it.
I'm sitting on the couch again and finger combing. And, it's falling out. I go to the bathroom and this is what happens.
After the video, we get the kids to pull on the rest of my hair, and this is what I'm left with:
Its just hair. It will grow back. And, the nasty, coarse hair will eventually be cut off.
But, the best part, what a GREAT Story!
** Note: it's just a small section of my hair. I can tuck it behind my ears, and you can hardly see it. Oh, and I did save the hair that fell out for a special project. hehehe
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Life Again Drama
I wrote a drama called Life Again for our Confirmation retreat. In this performance, it was one of our 3 dress rehearsals. During the retreat performance, the teens had shirts on with their character's name on it. Jesus changed from a white shirt into a Priest shirt at the end of the drama.
The wages of sin is death. Romans 6:23.
The skit "Life Again" is about how sin affects you and your relationship with Christ. Once you've said "yes" to sin, its that much easier for you to keep saying "yes". You keep 'opening' the door to sin. The only way to close the door is by asking for help in the sacrament of confession.
The Main Character (MC) does not run to Jesus, for if she does/did, He would be there in less than a heartbeat. When it appears as if she is, she is actually sinning again; going back to what is familiar. These are her 'regular' sins.
The teens who play the various sins (anger, jealousy, pride, etc.) are sins, they are not people. And, therefore, the focus is not on the sins but on the MC and her relationship with Christ.
When a sin comes into the MC's life, the sin always pulls her away from Christ.
The action of the sin ~ through the MC's choice ~ results in Christ being beaten as well. Every sin we commit affects our relationship with Him. That is why the MC's beating is mirrored upon Christ. However, Christ maintains His mercy and His love no matter what we do to Him and to ourselves. He is always waiting for us to ask for His help.
The more sins you commit, the more there is a gap in your relationship. The only way to repair that relationship is to seek His mercy in the sacrament of Reconciliation.
Christ is with us through everything! Yes, everything.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Green Hair
Green hair...
I tried to dye part of my hair green. LF and I gave a section of my hair blonde highlights (read we bleached a section). And, then put the green dye on it. But, the color only lasts for a few days.
I have an idea, and its probably what I'm going to do. B/c its the only thing that will work.
Work is insane. We are full steam ahead. So, after the Confirmation Retreat this weekend, I was able to be off for a few days.
Doctors appointments and sleep were on my agenda.
The grant application is almost done.
I'm still praying for my special Nov 21st intention. Please join in.
And, all of my apartment has been sold...for the most part. I have one shelving unit that I'm trying to figure out what to do with it. And, then there's my clothes. I have clothes to move into AR's with. But, I also have some items that Plato's Closet wouldn't take - Corduroy pants, shoes, sweaters, and two pairs of shorts.
I'm selling each item for a $1. I just have to take pictures and upload them to FB.
I'm very calm knowing that all of my stuff was sold to friends and family.
John 10:10 is running through my world. He has come to bless me abundantly. I trust in His plan.
His plan is best. I do not see the outcome, but I am here in the journey.
Keep praying for benefactors for me. And, please share my story with others.
I tried to dye part of my hair green. LF and I gave a section of my hair blonde highlights (read we bleached a section). And, then put the green dye on it. But, the color only lasts for a few days.
I have an idea, and its probably what I'm going to do. B/c its the only thing that will work.
Work is insane. We are full steam ahead. So, after the Confirmation Retreat this weekend, I was able to be off for a few days.
Doctors appointments and sleep were on my agenda.
The grant application is almost done.
I'm still praying for my special Nov 21st intention. Please join in.
And, all of my apartment has been sold...for the most part. I have one shelving unit that I'm trying to figure out what to do with it. And, then there's my clothes. I have clothes to move into AR's with. But, I also have some items that Plato's Closet wouldn't take - Corduroy pants, shoes, sweaters, and two pairs of shorts.
I'm selling each item for a $1. I just have to take pictures and upload them to FB.
I'm very calm knowing that all of my stuff was sold to friends and family.
John 10:10 is running through my world. He has come to bless me abundantly. I trust in His plan.
His plan is best. I do not see the outcome, but I am here in the journey.
Keep praying for benefactors for me. And, please share my story with others.
Monday, September 26, 2011
half-way there!
I'm halfway there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
$6160 paid off!
Pray for a very special intention for November 21st!
$6160 paid off!
Pray for a very special intention for November 21st!
Friday, September 23, 2011
You'll Come - Hillsong United
I have decided
I have resolved
To wait upon you Lord
My rock and redeemer
shall not be moved
I'll wait upon you Lord
As surely as the sun will rise
You'll come to us
As certain as the dawn appears
You'll come let your glory fall
As you respond to us
Spirit reign flood our hearts
With holy fire again
We are not shaken
we are not moved
We wait upon you Lord
Our Mighty deliverer
my triumph and truth
I'll wait upon you Lord
As surely as the sun will rise
You'll come to us
As certain as the dawn appears
You'll come let your glory fall
As you respond to us
Spirit reign flood our hearts
With holy fire again
Chains be broken
Lives be healed
Eyes be opened
Christ is revealed
I have resolved
To wait upon you Lord
My rock and redeemer
shall not be moved
I'll wait upon you Lord
As surely as the sun will rise
You'll come to us
As certain as the dawn appears
You'll come let your glory fall
As you respond to us
Spirit reign flood our hearts
With holy fire again
We are not shaken
we are not moved
We wait upon you Lord
Our Mighty deliverer
my triumph and truth
I'll wait upon you Lord
As surely as the sun will rise
You'll come to us
As certain as the dawn appears
You'll come let your glory fall
As you respond to us
Spirit reign flood our hearts
With holy fire again
Chains be broken
Lives be healed
Eyes be opened
Christ is revealed
Monday, September 12, 2011
vacay in Spanish is cow...I had a very good cow
When I went to the grocery store on Fri, Sept 9, it was hard for me to fathom I'd been on vacation for almost 3 weeks.
And, I also realized how much I miss my sisters.
Being inside the monastery confirmed in me the desire to be with My Beloved forever.
I travelled up to the Baltimore area to visit with friends on Friday, Aug 26.
And, I also needed to think about going to Summit on Saturday afternoon because Irene was arriving in Jersey on Sunday.
I decided cutting my visit short with Sami was better than driving in hurricane conditions.
The drive from Baltimore to Jersey can be summed up in one word - RAIN. Every day, actually, this trip, that I was driving in the van, it was raining or overcast. But, oh well, that's life.
When I first arrived in Summit, the sisters were still on retreat. And, so I was able to have the gift of hearing Fr. Walter. Loved It!
Coming home again was pretty much surreal the entire time. Sitting inside the choir on the floor (my usual place for praying the Rosary for Rosary Guard) gave me goosebumps all week long. My Beloved Sweet Christ had never stopped calling. I just finally stopped being busy to listen.
My only desire is to be with Him. In my prayer, I asked two questions: What do You want from me? and Where do I fit in?
Out came the answers: "I want you forever here with Me." and "You will see."
On a particular day, I had the shock of my life. On the kitchen counter was flour tortillas. I asked one of the sisters, and they said they're purchased when they're on sale. :) I wondered "Do we use them? Will we use them?"
That evening I was given the priviledge to help in the kitchen. And, for the 1st time in the monastery, for me anyway, we made Mexican for supper. SJM2 made chicken quesadillas and I made beef enchiladas!!!!!!!! What? What?
I love Mexican. Its kind of a love affair. Its perfect for where I live and work b/c I get to sample various dishes all the time.
Back to reality.
When I was in Summit the 1st time around (2007-2008), I would literally dream about burritos and black beans and rice. A burrito was the 1st thing I ate when I left, coincedentally.
So, for us to eat Mexican just made my heart soar. B/c honestly, I've been trying to prepare myself for no more Mexican food.
Jesus knows what I like to eat. He made me. Thank You prayers rose that evening and following.
Hopefully, I will be a cook one evening, and then chimichangas and tamales will be made. God willing.
But, my retreat, my vacation, my visit was not all about food. It truly was one confirmation after another of where I'm to be for the rest of my life.
I am almost halfway there in paying off my personal debt. My doctor's appointments are almost complete, and therefore my Mater Ecclesiae grant application can be mailed off. And, I'll almost be there.
I beg you to share my story with others. Please pray with me and for me. Be assured of my prayers.
The novitiate sisters would love to know what new name I've chosen. But, I will not tell. What name do you think I might choose? I am actually torn between four. And, so I take it to prayer.
And, I also realized how much I miss my sisters.
Being inside the monastery confirmed in me the desire to be with My Beloved forever.
I travelled up to the Baltimore area to visit with friends on Friday, Aug 26.
And, I also needed to think about going to Summit on Saturday afternoon because Irene was arriving in Jersey on Sunday.
I decided cutting my visit short with Sami was better than driving in hurricane conditions.
The drive from Baltimore to Jersey can be summed up in one word - RAIN. Every day, actually, this trip, that I was driving in the van, it was raining or overcast. But, oh well, that's life.
When I first arrived in Summit, the sisters were still on retreat. And, so I was able to have the gift of hearing Fr. Walter. Loved It!
Coming home again was pretty much surreal the entire time. Sitting inside the choir on the floor (my usual place for praying the Rosary for Rosary Guard) gave me goosebumps all week long. My Beloved Sweet Christ had never stopped calling. I just finally stopped being busy to listen.
My only desire is to be with Him. In my prayer, I asked two questions: What do You want from me? and Where do I fit in?
Out came the answers: "I want you forever here with Me." and "You will see."
On a particular day, I had the shock of my life. On the kitchen counter was flour tortillas. I asked one of the sisters, and they said they're purchased when they're on sale. :) I wondered "Do we use them? Will we use them?"
That evening I was given the priviledge to help in the kitchen. And, for the 1st time in the monastery, for me anyway, we made Mexican for supper. SJM2 made chicken quesadillas and I made beef enchiladas!!!!!!!! What? What?
I love Mexican. Its kind of a love affair. Its perfect for where I live and work b/c I get to sample various dishes all the time.
Back to reality.
When I was in Summit the 1st time around (2007-2008), I would literally dream about burritos and black beans and rice. A burrito was the 1st thing I ate when I left, coincedentally.
So, for us to eat Mexican just made my heart soar. B/c honestly, I've been trying to prepare myself for no more Mexican food.
Jesus knows what I like to eat. He made me. Thank You prayers rose that evening and following.
Hopefully, I will be a cook one evening, and then chimichangas and tamales will be made. God willing.
But, my retreat, my vacation, my visit was not all about food. It truly was one confirmation after another of where I'm to be for the rest of my life.
I am almost halfway there in paying off my personal debt. My doctor's appointments are almost complete, and therefore my Mater Ecclesiae grant application can be mailed off. And, I'll almost be there.
I beg you to share my story with others. Please pray with me and for me. Be assured of my prayers.
The novitiate sisters would love to know what new name I've chosen. But, I will not tell. What name do you think I might choose? I am actually torn between four. And, so I take it to prayer.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
coming soon...
Coming Up: a post on my vacation.
And, I'm almost half-way fundraised!!!! Yay!
And, just to tide you over, here are a few pictures:
And, I'm almost half-way fundraised!!!! Yay!
And, just to tide you over, here are a few pictures:
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Deepa's Estate Sale
I am having an estate sale to get rid of almost all of my stuff. I move out of my apartment in late October, and I'm perfectly capable of sleeping on a cot.
Deepa's Estate Sale photo album
The album contains just a few of my items. I'm taking the rest of the photos tonight.
If you're interested in purchasing an item, email me about picking the item up, and whether its still available.
Here's a preview.
Deepa's Estate Sale photo album
The album contains just a few of my items. I'm taking the rest of the photos tonight.
If you're interested in purchasing an item, email me about picking the item up, and whether its still available.
Here's a preview.
St. Deepa
Background to the following story: I was at my 2nd family's house, where I go at least once a week. And, B and I were having a conversation about saints and feast days. She and her brothers, D and J are named for saints (as it should be).
my 7-year-old sister: "Is there a St. Deepa?"
me: "I don't think so, no."
B: "One day there will be."
That little conversation has been on my mind and running in my head for 5 days now.
my 7-year-old sister: "Is there a St. Deepa?"
me: "I don't think so, no."
B: "One day there will be."
That little conversation has been on my mind and running in my head for 5 days now.
Deo Gratias
Jesus, My Savior, My God, Our Sweet Christ in heaven, thank you for sending me wonderful benefactors. Please watch over them and guide them in their life. May their lives be blessed because you are truly living within them. May they always know the Love You have for them. Lord, I also pray for all of their intentions, great and small. I beg you to hear them and answer them.
Jesus, you are Holy and Mighty. Your Wonder truly is on and all over this earth. For without You, I would be nothing. Allow me to see myself for who You have created me to be. I want nothing but You. Nothing but to do Your Will. I am so unworthy of your Love. And, yet You lavish your Love upon me. I wonder if I will ever truly know the mystery of your Love. In Your Sweet Name, Jesus, I pray. Amen.
Julie M.
Linda H.
Amanda K.
Jess B.
Elizabeth B.
Quennie S.
Kristen S.
Anne H.
Matt R.
Olivia T.
Jan K.
Karen L.
John F.
Jeannette C.
Veronica M.
Elizabeth S.
Don F.
Dorothy K.
Hilary S.
Sami & Joe C.
Libby & Shaun B.
Laura F.
Jessica H.
Yvonne & Maurice C.
Jessica P.
Lisa & Joe F.
Mary G.
MaryEllyn & Tim T.
Stephanie & Levi L.
Carmen G.
Yuri B.
Patricia V.
Nick & Sunny S.
Gerald McD.
Maria M. & family
Carol T.
Andrew & Kristina McG.
Elaine M.
Katie B.
Eileen B.
Johnny B.
Cristina C.
Bailey W.
Kristen F.
Rosanne H.
Brad & Jolene S.
Gus S.
Alex L.
Christopher O.
Amy & Jeff R.
Pat M.
Ann H.
Elizabeth R.
Meg C.
Elizabeth H.
Sarah M.
Caitlin T.
Pat and Jack D.
Gloria & Samuel H.
Tina J.
Terry K.
Jenny & Matt M.
all friends, family, and prayer warriors.
Jesus, you are Holy and Mighty. Your Wonder truly is on and all over this earth. For without You, I would be nothing. Allow me to see myself for who You have created me to be. I want nothing but You. Nothing but to do Your Will. I am so unworthy of your Love. And, yet You lavish your Love upon me. I wonder if I will ever truly know the mystery of your Love. In Your Sweet Name, Jesus, I pray. Amen.
Julie M.
Linda H.
Amanda K.
Jess B.
Elizabeth B.
Quennie S.
Kristen S.
Anne H.
Matt R.
Olivia T.
Jan K.
Karen L.
John F.
Jeannette C.
Veronica M.
Elizabeth S.
Don F.
Dorothy K.
Hilary S.
Sami & Joe C.
Libby & Shaun B.
Laura F.
Jessica H.
Yvonne & Maurice C.
Jessica P.
Lisa & Joe F.
Mary G.
MaryEllyn & Tim T.
Stephanie & Levi L.
Carmen G.
Yuri B.
Patricia V.
Nick & Sunny S.
Gerald McD.
Maria M. & family
Carol T.
Andrew & Kristina McG.
Elaine M.
Katie B.
Eileen B.
Johnny B.
Cristina C.
Bailey W.
Kristen F.
Rosanne H.
Brad & Jolene S.
Gus S.
Alex L.
Christopher O.
Amy & Jeff R.
Pat M.
Ann H.
Elizabeth R.
Meg C.
Elizabeth H.
Sarah M.
Caitlin T.
Pat and Jack D.
Gloria & Samuel H.
Tina J.
Terry K.
Jenny & Matt M.
all friends, family, and prayer warriors.
Monday, August 15, 2011
we're making a dent.
I'm actually getting there.
After returning from my Summit visit, I'll start posting the items I am selling. You can feel free to purchase if you want. The more I sell, the closer I'll get and the less I have to place in storage.
Also, my 9 novena to be debt free might be over, but we're still praying. Thanking the saints and Mary for praying for me. I'm praying one rosary daily for that intention. Will you join me?
After returning from my Summit visit, I'll start posting the items I am selling. You can feel free to purchase if you want. The more I sell, the closer I'll get and the less I have to place in storage.
Also, my 9 novena to be debt free might be over, but we're still praying. Thanking the saints and Mary for praying for me. I'm praying one rosary daily for that intention. Will you join me?
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Matthew 20:28
Just so, Jesus came not to be served, but to serve, and give His life as a ransom for many. ~ Matthew 20:28
This weekend, I, along with 7 other CORE (adult leaders) took our 22 mini CORE on a peer leadership retreat.
The team's verse for the year is Matthew 20:28.
This weekend, I, along with 7 other CORE (adult leaders) took our 22 mini CORE on a peer leadership retreat.
The team's verse for the year is Matthew 20:28.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
the Good Shepherd
I've been reading a lot of journal entries and old talks I've written. One that strikes me over and over is the one I want to share with you now. I gave this talk somewhere between 2005-2007 at an XLT (Eucharistic Adoration with a witness talk for teens).
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Novena to be Debt Free - part 9

ST. CATHERINE, glorious Virgin and Martyr, resplendent in the luster of wisdom and purity; thy wisdom refuted the adversaries of Divine truth and covered them with confusion; thy immaculate purity made thee a spouse of Christ, so that after thy glorious Martyrdom Angels carried thy body to Mount Sinai. Implore for me progress in the science of the Saints and the virtue of holy purity, that vanquishing the enemies of my soul, I may be victorious in my last combat and after death be conducted by the angels into the eternal beatitude of Heaven. Amen.
My Lord and God! I offer up to Thee my petition in union with the bitter passion and death of Jesus Christ, Thy Son, together with the merits of His immaculate and blessed Mother, Mary ever virgin, and of all the Saints, particularly with those of the holy Helper in whose honor I make this novena.
Look down upon me, merciful Lord! Grant me Thy grace and Thy love, and graciously hear
my prayer. Amen.
Please join me in prayer to pay down my debt as soon as possible. And for others like me.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Camping in the Woods
I am moving. When my lease ends. Into a friend's house for the last 6 months (or hopefully less).
And, today, with the help of several benefactor's I was able to pay off one of my personal debts. Hurray!
I still get overwhelmed by the amount of Christ's LOVE poured out on me every day.
Because of generous friends, I'll be able to in October begin to put a little over a $1000 a month into my personal debt, and sometime in May, God-willing, enter back into religious life.
I have complete faith and have given total surrender over to God's will.
I continue to pray for each and every benefactor, spiritual and financial. And, pray for God's will to be done.
This weekend I took 12 teens camping for one night. 10 had never been. 10 had never: slept in a tent, cooked food on an open fire, used the bathroom in the woods. I even had one teenager who had never eaten bacon in her life; her family eats only fish and seafood, no red meat at her house.
I loved that experience. Of watching them reach outside their comfort zone and strive to overcome their fears.
My camera broke at the beginning of June, so I've had to rely on other people to take pictures. I obviously don't want to buy another one. So, when my other chaperone emails pics, I'll post a few then.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Novena to be Debt Free - part 8

God, our Father, you have granted to your church the gift of Gianna Beretta Molla. In her youth she lovingly sought you and drew other people to you, involving them, through apostolic
witness and Catholic Action, in the care of the sick and aged, to help and comfort them. We thank you for the gift of this young woman, so deeply committed to you.
Through her example, grant us the grace to consecrate our life to your service, for the joy of our brothers and sisters. May we become generous Christians at the service of our brothers and
sisters, especially those with whom you design to share your Cross. We beg you to grant to our families the serene and Christian presence of mothers committed to transform them into
cenacles of faith and love, rich with generous activity and sanctifying service.
Grant us the grace we seek and the joy to find an inspiration in Saint Gianna who, as model spouse and mother, after the example of Christ, gave up her life for the life of others. We offer this Novena for the sanctity of all life and for the intentions of all those who are praying with us.
Please join me in prayer to pay down my debt as soon as possible. And for others like me.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Novena to be Debt Free - part 7

Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally, as the patron of difficult cases, of things almost despaired of, Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone.
Intercede with God for me that He bring visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of. Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly for <prayer request> -
and that I may praise God with you and all the saints forever. I promise, O Blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor granted me by God and to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen.
Please join me in prayer to pay down my debt as soon as possible. And for others like me.
and that I may praise God with you and all the saints forever. I promise, O Blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor granted me by God and to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen.
Please join me in prayer to pay down my debt as soon as possible. And for others like me.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Prayers for others
In the quiet of my heart, I hear Him calling. I hear Him in the silence. I listen, and I know He is near.
I have come to love the silence again. I remember the time in my life where I wanted nothing but noise, to drown Him out, Him whom my heart loves.
His love for us is great, great beyond all human imagining. He waits for us in the silence.
This weekend I am taking 12 teens to a Steubenville Youth Conference. I served for many years on volunteer teams with this amazing conference. I ask you to keep in your prayers all of the teens who will be attending. Not just in Atlanta, but all over the country. Pray their hearts, minds, and ears are open to God. Pray we might all take time to grow in our relationship with Him. To spend time in the silence.
I look forward to the day when I will be in community again, in one heart and mind together.
Appointments are being set and grant applications filled out. I continue to ask for your prayers. For perseverance and patience. Patience is the hardest to bear. For I offer up every minute I am outside the city walls.
If you feel called, please share my story with others. I can never have too many prayer partners.
I have come to love the silence again. I remember the time in my life where I wanted nothing but noise, to drown Him out, Him whom my heart loves.
His love for us is great, great beyond all human imagining. He waits for us in the silence.
This weekend I am taking 12 teens to a Steubenville Youth Conference. I served for many years on volunteer teams with this amazing conference. I ask you to keep in your prayers all of the teens who will be attending. Not just in Atlanta, but all over the country. Pray their hearts, minds, and ears are open to God. Pray we might all take time to grow in our relationship with Him. To spend time in the silence.
I look forward to the day when I will be in community again, in one heart and mind together.
Appointments are being set and grant applications filled out. I continue to ask for your prayers. For perseverance and patience. Patience is the hardest to bear. For I offer up every minute I am outside the city walls.
If you feel called, please share my story with others. I can never have too many prayer partners.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Prayer Request
Update on my prayer request: Cassie, our group contact leader for our Nicaragua mission trip. Her passport is 'damaged' (use it loosely b/c all information is visible) and a Delta ticketing agent said NIC might not let her enter the country, and also would not check her in. We passed her contact bag to the next chaperone in line (Cristina) and sent her to another counter to check in by herself. She met up with the group at the gate, and all have boarded the plane.
Prayer request is that Nicaragua lets her into the country. And, if not, that they will let her go seek asylum at the US Embassy so she can take car of it there, and not get shipped back here. And, if you could also just pray for her mental state as she is stressed out, as you can imagine.
Prayer request is that Nicaragua lets her into the country. And, if not, that they will let her go seek asylum at the US Embassy so she can take car of it there, and not get shipped back here. And, if you could also just pray for her mental state as she is stressed out, as you can imagine.
Friday, July 8, 2011
How To: Clothes in a Ziplock Bag
I made a video for my teens who are travelling to Nicaragua 2mrw for their mission trip on how to pack one change of clothes in a ziplock gallon size bag. Just in case you wanted to know.
This is our religious education office. And, yes, my hair is long!
This is our religious education office. And, yes, my hair is long!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
snail Mail
I was on our Mission Trip last week, but I didn't put a hold on my mail. I just assumed it would pile up (I don't receive alot anyway) and I would pick it up on Saturday when I got back.
Well, there was a vacancy notice in my mailbox saying that my mailbox was vacant and no mail should be placed there.
So, if you sent me anything, it will probably come back to you. Please send it back out. I do live there. I've had a chat with our postal worker and everything is set.
In other news, we interviewed someone for the assistant youth minister & assistant to the adult formation director position (a combo job) at our parish. I was notified yesterday that we were doing this today. Much prayer will be said this weekend if this person is a good fit for our parish. Because if the person is hired they will slide into my position when I enter religious life. Please join us in prayer to discern.
11 of my teens and 3 chaperones (including current assistant youth minister) depart for Nicaragua on Saturday, July 9th. Please pray for their safety and hydration and for their mission. I feel they are prepared, but am nervous b/c I've never not been on a trip with them. And, we've never done a group mission trip with Amigos for Christ or in Nicaragua. They'll return to GA the evening of July 16th.
Well, there was a vacancy notice in my mailbox saying that my mailbox was vacant and no mail should be placed there.
So, if you sent me anything, it will probably come back to you. Please send it back out. I do live there. I've had a chat with our postal worker and everything is set.
In other news, we interviewed someone for the assistant youth minister & assistant to the adult formation director position (a combo job) at our parish. I was notified yesterday that we were doing this today. Much prayer will be said this weekend if this person is a good fit for our parish. Because if the person is hired they will slide into my position when I enter religious life. Please join us in prayer to discern.
11 of my teens and 3 chaperones (including current assistant youth minister) depart for Nicaragua on Saturday, July 9th. Please pray for their safety and hydration and for their mission. I feel they are prepared, but am nervous b/c I've never not been on a trip with them. And, we've never done a group mission trip with Amigos for Christ or in Nicaragua. They'll return to GA the evening of July 16th.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Novena to be Debt Free - part 6

Glorious St. Rita, patroness of those in need, your intercession with our Lord is most powerful. Through the favors obtained by your prayers you have been called “Advocate of hopeless and even impossible cases.” St. Rita, humble and pure; patient and compassionate Lover of Christ Crucified! I have confidence that everyone who has recourse to you, will find comfort and relief. Listen to my petitions and show your power with God in our behalf. Obtain my petitions for me if they are for the greater honor of God, and for my good. I promise, if my petitions are granted, to make known your favor, and to glorify God for His gift. Relying on your power with the merciful Savior, we ask of you…
Please join me in prayer to pay down my debt as soon as possible. And for others like me.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
good to be home
God is so abundantly good. As I draw nearer to Him in my relationship with Him and in my payments to be debt-free, I can see myself growing.
I had an amazing week with my teens on our mission trip to Nashville. I have another group preparing for Nicaragua on Saturday. Please pray for their safety while their down there (July 9-16) with their chaperones and my assistant youth minister.
I am in total shock each and every day as to how much God loves me. And, how He's preparing me to be His. I cherish the silence.
It is good to be home in Atlanta. Travelling wears me out. My sleep schedule is off. And, I always come back to a pile of work.
Please share my vocation journey with others. I need the support!
I had an amazing week with my teens on our mission trip to Nashville. I have another group preparing for Nicaragua on Saturday. Please pray for their safety while their down there (July 9-16) with their chaperones and my assistant youth minister.
I am in total shock each and every day as to how much God loves me. And, how He's preparing me to be His. I cherish the silence.
It is good to be home in Atlanta. Travelling wears me out. My sleep schedule is off. And, I always come back to a pile of work.
Please share my vocation journey with others. I need the support!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Novena to be Debt Free - part 5
O glorious St. Ann, you are filled with compassion for those who invoke you and with love for those who suffer! Heavily burdened with the weight of my troubles, I cast myself at your feet and humbly beg of you to take the present intention which I recommend to you in your special care.
Please recommend it to your daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and place it before the throne of Jesus, so that He may bring it to a happy issue. Continue to intercede for me until my request
is granted. But, above all, obtain for me the grace one day to see my God face to face, and with you and Mary and all the saints to praise and bless Him for all eternity. Amen.
Please join me in prayer to pay down my debt as soon as possible. And for others like me.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Praying for Victory
Have you ever felt like the readings and the homily were written and spoken just for you? I feel that way right now.
The widow's mite and fruit bearing trees have been in my sight these last two weeks. Of how I have to give out of my need and I shall receive a 100-fold.
I feel the strongest tug and pull from God in the direction of religious life. I want for nothing more. He is all I need and want. My desire to be with Him is stronger than any desire for youth ministry. When people ask me when I'm going, I say May 2012 b/c that's according "my" budget. After saying this, I feel like I am disappointing Him. He is beckoning me, and I am having to say "hold on, I'm coming but in a minute, in a month, in half a year. I'm coming, just not right now."
I've felt for months now, that God was asking me to do more than what I've already done. To do the legwork, and He would do the rest.
For mission trips, our greatest fruit-bearing fundraiser is where we write letters to our family and friends describing what we're doing for the summer and the people we will be serving. And, we ask them to donate financially if they can and to pray for us.
Did you know that St Therese of Lisieux is the patroness of missions. She died at 24 and never ever ventured outside of the monastery. She has this patronage because of her prayer, of her intercession for others. Prayer supports missionaries.
We ask our teen missionaries to write at least 50 letters, and we tell them they need at least 25 prayer partners. Because frankly, you cannot give what do not have. To be on mission, you have to have people supporting you, spiritually and financially.
I ask my teens to do this every year. And, this year especially, I noticed it was hard for them to ask people for money - knowing we're in a recession and in a building campaign. But, I reminded them we can't go without spiritual and financial support. And, I, personally, didn't see what the big deal was - why couldn't they just suck it up and do it?
And, then today in spiritual direction, a light bulb went off. I was asking them to do something that I couldn't even do for myself. I was relying on myself. I wasn't doing the legwork God was asking of me. I was denying His request of me.
And so I ask.
Can you assist me in paying down my debt fast? Can you help me go to where God is calling, to Summit. And, above all be my support, be my prayer partners? Could you spare $10 or $20? No donation is too large or too small. You shall be Aaron and Hur holding up Moses' arms as he prayed for a victory in battle against the Amaleks (Exodus 17:9-13). You shall be my support as I stand on the mountain praying for victory in the battle for souls.
If you'd like to mail your donation and/or prayer requests, you can send them to:
c/o Deepa Kingry
2408 Caneridge Pointe SW
Marietta, GA 30064
Above all, know that I am praying for you each and every day and your prayers are heard!
The widow's mite and fruit bearing trees have been in my sight these last two weeks. Of how I have to give out of my need and I shall receive a 100-fold.
I feel the strongest tug and pull from God in the direction of religious life. I want for nothing more. He is all I need and want. My desire to be with Him is stronger than any desire for youth ministry. When people ask me when I'm going, I say May 2012 b/c that's according "my" budget. After saying this, I feel like I am disappointing Him. He is beckoning me, and I am having to say "hold on, I'm coming but in a minute, in a month, in half a year. I'm coming, just not right now."
I've felt for months now, that God was asking me to do more than what I've already done. To do the legwork, and He would do the rest.
For mission trips, our greatest fruit-bearing fundraiser is where we write letters to our family and friends describing what we're doing for the summer and the people we will be serving. And, we ask them to donate financially if they can and to pray for us.
Did you know that St Therese of Lisieux is the patroness of missions. She died at 24 and never ever ventured outside of the monastery. She has this patronage because of her prayer, of her intercession for others. Prayer supports missionaries.
We ask our teen missionaries to write at least 50 letters, and we tell them they need at least 25 prayer partners. Because frankly, you cannot give what do not have. To be on mission, you have to have people supporting you, spiritually and financially.
I ask my teens to do this every year. And, this year especially, I noticed it was hard for them to ask people for money - knowing we're in a recession and in a building campaign. But, I reminded them we can't go without spiritual and financial support. And, I, personally, didn't see what the big deal was - why couldn't they just suck it up and do it?
And, then today in spiritual direction, a light bulb went off. I was asking them to do something that I couldn't even do for myself. I was relying on myself. I wasn't doing the legwork God was asking of me. I was denying His request of me.
And so I ask.
Can you assist me in paying down my debt fast? Can you help me go to where God is calling, to Summit. And, above all be my support, be my prayer partners? Could you spare $10 or $20? No donation is too large or too small. You shall be Aaron and Hur holding up Moses' arms as he prayed for a victory in battle against the Amaleks (Exodus 17:9-13). You shall be my support as I stand on the mountain praying for victory in the battle for souls.
If you'd like to mail your donation and/or prayer requests, you can send them to:
c/o Deepa Kingry
2408 Caneridge Pointe SW
Marietta, GA 30064
Above all, know that I am praying for you each and every day and your prayers are heard!
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